Everyone has seen the 1975 Blockbuster film “JAWS” directed by Steven Spielberg. This cinematic masterpiece has firmly nestled itself in American Culture and has given birth to a unforgettable group of...
Everyone has seen the 1975 Blockbuster film “JAWS” directed by Steven Spielberg. This cinematic masterpiece has firmly nestled itself in American Culture and has given birth to a unforgettable group of characters that have made it impossible for you to go swimming in open water without worrying about becoming shark-food. Captain Quint’s story of helplessly bobbing back-to-back with his shipmates as they were picked off by sharks makes it nearly impossible to believe that such heartless predators exist. But exist they do. And, even more surprisingly, Captain Quint is also grounded in reality. This larger than life personality is based off of none other than legendary Montauk shark fisherman, Frank Mundus. Listen in to our latest episode to learn more about JAWS, Captain Quint, and the Long Island Connection.
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