WHEN RADIO-LAND GOES TO DEF-CON 2! HARRISON ELLENSHAW (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Ghost. Dick Tracy, Tron, The Black Hole, Escape From LA, Big Wednesday, Captain EO etc....) who knew and worked with Walt Disney is in studio with Tom Vitorino (Manager of The Cult, The Doors, Fuel, Big Country) Stephen Appell (Disney) and Ethan Dettenmaier. *This episode starts with a sound bite for the new Combat Radio film being produced (We apologize for the explicit language....) Special thanks to Warner Bros. Studios **Special thanks to Disney, Disney Vice-President Daniel Delcourt and Disney General Manager Philippe Tosques (A brilliant, professional, visionary!) ***Happy New Year and Special thanks to all the Combat Radio listener/fan pages in Japan, Poland, Moscow, Portugal, Brazil, South Africa, The Bahamas, Hawaii, Australia, Spain, Argentina, Thailand, Germany, China, Wake Island, Mexico, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, France, Italy, Greece, The U.K. Scotland...EVERYONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!