Once again yet another classic conversational exchange from the Heavens above we have our beloved Dr. Ramona Brockett sharing her unique thought provoking and life changing perspectives that are sure to stir the senses. In this particular segment of our ongoing series of relevant discussions, Dr. Brockett speaks on the 14th Amendment and the double standards of this society as the Supreme Court tackles the Rights of Gays to Marry at the expense of the Blacks who are at the same time losing their Voting rights. As always there is a lot of information shared abundantly and your thirst for true knowledge will be quenched over and above 99% of what's offered in cyberspace today. I must say that I feel like the most blessed man in the entire world to have such access to a rare brilliance from where I stand as I learn from her every single time we speak! Please leave your opinions and responses to Dr. Brockett's factual words of wisdom in the comment area below! Peace, Righteous Love& Revolution Always, The Boldest Man On The 'Net, LanceScurv Connect With LanceScurv: Twitter: http://twitter.com/lancescurv/ YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/lancescurv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lancescurv Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/LanceScurv Blog: http://www.lancescurv.com/ Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113734327170938591138/about iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/zw/podcast/lance-scurv-/id642252263 Phone: 407.924.8793 The LanceScurv Hotline: Leave an uncensored voice-mail message of your opinion to be played on the upcoming shows! Call anytime around the clock @ 407.590.0755