Sir Tony Robinson tells the tale of Joseph Meadows, who was sentenced to death in 1855 for the jealous murder of his ‘sister’, Mary Ann Mason, declaring. “I’ve had my revenge; I have heard them say revenge is sweet. I left home for that purpose. I’ve done it, and I am satisfied.”
Sir Tony Robinson tells the tale of Joseph Meadows, who was sentenced to death in 1855 for the jealous murder of his ‘sister’, Mary Ann Mason, declaring. “I’ve had my revenge; I have heard them say revenge is sweet. I left home for that purpose. I’ve done it, and I am satisfied.”
Sir Tony Robinson tells the tale of Joseph Meadows, who was sentenced to death in 1855 for the jealous murder of his ‘sister’, Mary Ann Mason, declaring. “I’ve had my revenge; I have heard them say revenge is sweet. I left home for that purpose. I’ve done it, and I am satisfied.”