Southeast Green - Speaking of Green   /     Fryer Grease yields Platinum in Atlanta


Cloyd Thomas Dunn IV - Accomplished Franchising Professional with 15+ years of franchise industry experience. Currently the COO of Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions, an International Franchisor with locations in 23 countries. Since 1996, the Filta Group has been providing unparalleled service around the world to restaurants and other food establishments. “Going Green” was never a commercial or trendy consideration for us. Filta’s services naturally preserve the environment, by extending the life of cooking oil with the FiltaFry service, recycling waste oil into biodiesel with FiltaBio and reducing energy consumption and food waste with the FiltaCool product. In an age of climate change, and economic stresses, Filta’s services are being recognized at the forefront by the food and hospitality industry. Customers are realizing more than ever before the many benefits to be gained from our services. There's Gold in that Grease

How the Mercedes Benz Dome handles grease
Publishing date
2018-12-20 14:30
  Southeast Green


Cloyd Thomas Dunn IV - Accomplished Franchising Professional with 15+ years of franchise industry experience. Currently the COO of Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions, an International Franchisor with locations in 23 countries. Since 1996, the Filta Group has been providing unparalleled service around the world to restaurants and other food establishments. “Going Green” was never a commercial or trendy consideration for us. Filta’s services naturally preserve the environment, by extending the life of cooking oil with the FiltaFry service, recycling waste oil into biodiesel with FiltaBio and reducing energy consumption and food waste with the FiltaCool product. In an age of climate change, and economic stresses, Filta’s services are being recognized at the forefront by the food and hospitality industry. Customers are realizing more than ever before the many benefits to be gained from our services. There's Gold in that Grease