INEBRIATED WISDOM   /     Depot Street Brewing


Depot Street Brewing  This week had me primarily around the Johnson City and Kingsport area for the day job, so I made the most of it.  A drive by while looking for day job prospects, yes, I was actually working…led me to Depot Street Brewing in downtown Jonesborough, TN. The quaint little historic town that it is, it holds a pretty well known secret spot. Founded in 2004 it is one of, if not THE area’s oldest brewery. To be around for 10 plus years speaks to their good products here and the liv they have for the beer they brew. I met briefly with the Brewmaster Devin and spoke about a possible audio interview for the podcast very soon. He invited me back during the actual retail tasting room hours to enjoy a few samples of their best stuff.  During the quick walkthrough of the brewing room and tasting room / bottling area, I noticed a few barrels sitting patiently in the corner.  I have but one word to tell you all i will return when SOUR comes out.  It is named as of this writing, but maybe a neat name will abound.  Also in the corner was a Crown Royal barrel aging away some Scottish Ale.  Later in the week I went back and had a few samples from the tasting room and the list below is what I had to work with that evening.  The Whistlestop Wit was really good with a citrusy tang from the orange peel and coriander.  Another favorite of the first flight was the Ride the Rails Belgian style.  True to the tasting notes is started sweet and finished mildly bitter.  It was quickly on to the next flight, because let’s face it, this is what I love to do.  Sampling beers from these breweries where you can actually meet the person, or group of persons responsible for your enjoyment is pretty cool to me.  Well in walked Devin and we started chatting about his background and how he got into brewing and ended up working for the oldest brewery in this area.  What follows is one of the most informative interviews I have had the privilege of recording thus far.  Sit back and grab a nice  Loose Caboose Lager or a Freight Hopper IPA and learn some very interesting things about Depot Street Brewing. Look for the in-depth show notes with links back at our homepage, but for now just enjoy! Cheers All! Rate and Review us please !     

Depot Street Brewing   This week had me primarily around the Johnson City and Kingsport area for the day job, so I made the most of it.    A drive by while looking for day job prospects, yes, I was actually working…led me to...
Publishing date
2015-11-14 14:46