Happy New Years from William and Davis…First Podcast of 2019 at the Galaxie Studio after eight weeks off due to schedules and William sleeping like a teenager. BUT! we do get into some updates on projects and crap you have to do after work. Davis’ fuel woes, PRI show, missed shows, alternators, Alameda, RIP Super
Happy New Years from William and Davis...First Podcast of 2019 at the Galaxie Studio after eight weeks off due to schedules and William sleeping like a teenager. BUT! we do get into some updates on projects and crap you have to do after work. Davis' fuel woes, PRI show, missed shows, alternators, Alameda, RIP Super Dave, air cleaner color paint, and more garage banter. Thanks for listening and the support. Want a shirt? Email us at primerpodcast@gmail.com Have a listen here Links: TROG Santa Barbara Black Hawk Museum Super Dave Osborne Jeff's Fun Run
Happy New Years from William and Davis…First Podcast of 2019 at the Galaxie Studio after eight weeks off due to schedules and William sleeping like a teenager. BUT! we do get into some updates on projects and crap you have to do after work. Davis’ fuel woes, PRI show, missed shows, alternators, Alameda, RIP Super Dave, air cleaner color paint, and more garage banter. Thanks for listening and the support. Want a shirt? Email us at primerpodcast@gmail.com