00:00 - Dan goes all the way back to the beginning of his FileMaker experience. 01:40 - Dan describes the revolutionary miracle that was - and is - FileMaker. 03:20 - Four years ago Dan read "The Tipping Point". 04:00 - Explaining why FileMaker was one of Adatasol's risk factors. 05:20 - Further explanation of the Tipping Point concept. 06:20 - FileMaker starts to admit they are part of Apple. 06:50 - Three years ago....FileMaker tries to push us to work with Apple stores. 07:40 - Two years ago...FileMaker says "Apple Has FileMaker" - this could be exciting! 09:00 - Last year...another disappointment 09:40 - "Apple can help sell FileMaker!" .... "Or not." 10:40 - Dan explains his obsession. 12:45 - Dan discusses his frustration with Apple's lack of support for FileMaker. 14:40 - "Apple - support FileMaker or spin it off and let it succeed or fail on its own." 15:40 - Please join me at the Apple shareholder's meeting on March 1st 2019.
Dan goes solo to explain his reasons for attending this year's Apple stockholder meeting.