What are the policy options in terms of foreign students’ fees, and how do they relate to current political events? Current political events with an impact on immigration – like Brexit and elections with xenophobic candidates in Europe – influence the way societies and governments behave towards international students. OECD policy analyst Gabriele Marconi took a closer look at the different tuition fee policies in a new "Education in Focus" brief. Tino Brömme asked Mr Marconi for ESNA Media: What is the main reason for goverments to set higher fees for international students? What importance have fees for international students’ choices? Just one week ago, students of the Free University of Brussels and of the Catholic University of Leuven occupied their respective rectorates for six days forcing them to abandon their plans to raise the fees for international students. What are his observations about this? Why has Germany a zero tuition fee policy? Interview and Editing: Tino Brömme Music: zende Music, Bologna ESNA European Higher Education News, Berlin www.esna.tv Download the OECD study: http://www.oecd.org/edu/skills-beyond-school/educationindicatorsinfocus.htm