Episode 6: Best Practices Wrap-up: The Big Finale In this the sixth and final episode of Supporting Students Struggling in Algebra I podcast, Virginia and JC take a look back over the first five episodes. They reflect on what they have learned from each of the guests and share more ideas for resources and implementation. Virginia also talks about her resource for Algebra I teachers, Mini-Interventions for Algebra I. JC and Virginia had a wonderful time producing each of the episodes in this podcast. Thank you for listening. Resources: https://store.esc13.net/collections/downloadable/products/algebra-i-mini-interventions?variant=10062785605 https://store.esc13.net/collections/downloadable/products/copy-of-algebra-i-mini-interventions-quadratics-exponential-functions-and-algebraic-methods?variant=10062777157 Podcast Transcript: www4.esc13.net/uploads/math/docs/podcast%20transcripts/S-3Algebra_episode6.docx