What's up for your weekend, girlfriend? For most of us, the weekend usually involves two things (and not necessarily at the same time!) - Laundry& Wine, am I right?! So, we're combining the two (in a good way!) on our #GFweekend Twitter Party - today 8/10 3-4pm ET with our special guests and sponsors: BIZ STAIN FIGHTER and THE WINE SISTERHOOD. We'll talk with the Wine Sisterhood on this BlogTalkRadio. JOIN US! p.s. #GFweekend PRIZES: PRIZES: 1 years supply of your choice of either, Biz Stain Fighter, Oxydol Laundry Detergent or Mean Green Cleaner.Grand Prize – 1 Year Supply of Laundry& Household cleaning products, Biz, Oxydol and Mean Green.3 Wine Sisterhood Gift Bags& $50 Target Gift Cards – Canvas Wine Sisterhood bag filled with wine gifts and treats