Getting Good at Life (TM)   /     Finding Faith in the Wake of the Unthinkable


"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.  Have you ever experienced something that just completely knocked the wind out of you? An unexpected death, suddenly losing everything you own, or finding out you have a terminal illness. The event doesn't matter as much as the pain and disruption it causes to your life. When these things happen, it's easy to fold and just give up. If can be hard to summon enough faith to keep going and to hope again. But know that God cares and you CAN recover. Take it from somebody who knows! Tune in as we chat with Joseph Dubowski, author of the book, Cartwheels in the Rain: Finding Faith in the Wake of the Unthinkable. Hear his story of unspeakable loss when his daughter's life was violently ended by a gunman, and how he and his wife, Laurel, were able to heal and move forward. Call 646-716-6910, or chat with us in our LIVE chat room during the show.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.  Have you ever experienced something that just complete
Publishing date
2015-04-22 14:00
  Getting Good at Life


"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.  Have you ever experienced something that just completely knocked the wind out of you? An unexpected death, suddenly losing everything you own, or finding out you have a terminal illness. The event doesn't matter as much as the pain and disruption it causes to your life. When these things happen, it's easy to fold and just give up. If can be hard to summon enough faith to keep going and to hope again. But know that God cares and you CAN recover. Take it from somebody who knows! Tune in as we chat with Joseph Dubowski, author of the book, Cartwheels in the Rain: Finding Faith in the Wake of the Unthinkable. Hear his story of unspeakable loss when his daughter's life was violently ended by a gunman, and how he and his wife, Laurel, were able to heal and move forward. Call 646-716-6910, or chat with us in our LIVE chat room during the show.