In Memorium of Dr. Frances Cress Welsiing: March 18, 1935 - January 2, 2016
A Million-Midnight Salute to a black woman of towering intellect, dedication, intent, and stamina.
The uploading of this archived broadcast (from May 16, 2010) was inspired by a Facebook post by Michael Moore acknowledging that he had received in the mail the book under discussion in this broadcast. Mr. Moore said that, in her final lecture, Dr. Welsing recommended that every black person read it..
Mr. Wickett attended many of Dr. Welsing's lectures at the monthly Welsing Institute held at Howard University and filmed a few of them. The host considers both Mr. Wickett and Dr. Welsing to have made major contributions toward the eventual solving of The Problem. Additionally, a caller, "Mark," inspired an evolution in Cree's framing of the role of genetics and/ or other forms of DNA in the practice of racism (white supremacy/anti-blackness).