Catholic Home School Moms   /     20: Homeschool Plans First; Children Later with Polly R.


Polly and her husband had planned to homeschool their children before they even had children. She has 2 children 3 years apart, and she realized how hard it was to parent 2 small ones, much less homeschool them. So she had her oldest child go to Catholic school for Pre-School. Some changes in the school caused them to make the change the following year. So she began with a 1st grader, and almost Pre-schooler and then she had also had a newborn baby. Polly says they have never looked back once they started! Why Polly thinks a relaxed schedule is perfect for her family What lengths Polly went to in order to keep the curriculum from being rigid and controlling their lives. Ways Polly keeps her finger on maintaining balance in their lives The difference morning prayers make for her family Polly sometimes experiments with schedule changes and different plans to see the impact on her family The extra-curricular activites her children are involved in to maintain social relationships The Homes school co-op that Polly is a member of How Polly supports her faith during homeschooling activities When they use the St. Michael prayer and how it has become a habit What Polly does for self-care Why Polly is grateful to be homeschooling How Polly prepares her children’s hearts for Christmas and having the correct focus


Polly and her husband had planned to homeschool their children before they even had children. She has 2 children 3 years apart, and she realized how hard it was to parent 2 small ones, much less homeschool them. So she had her oldest child go to Catho

Polly and her husband had planned to homeschool t…
Publishing date
2015-11-06 12:35
  Kerry Olvera