BLS English 101   /     Faith in Night


In the first three chapters of Night Eliezer has gone through a major shift in his religious beliefs and his faith in God.  His experiences begin to challenge the faith he had in a good and faithful God.  While he does not necessarily question the existence of God, he begins to seriously question the goodness of God.  He finds it hard to believe that a good and just God could allow something like this to happen. Click here to listen to this podcast.  In this podcast, listen to quotes from the first three chapters of Night demonstrating the major shifts in Eliezer's faith.  Think of how exactly his faith is changing, and how these quotes help us to see these changes.  Why is this happening to his faith?  If this were you, how do you honestly think you would react?  How would your faith change?


In the first three chapters of Night Eliezer has gone through a major shift in his religious beliefs and his faith in God.  His experiences begin to challenge the faith he had in a good and faithful God.  While he does not necessarily que

In the first three chapters of Night Eliezer has gone through a major shift in his religious beliefs and his faith in God.  His experiences begin to challenge the faith he had in a good and faithful God.  While he does not necessarily quest
Publishing date
2010-11-19 08:21
Contributors (Mr. Brown)