We have three guests on our show in this interview. Gary Mull, a member from Wright State Toastmasters in Dayton, will talk about the secret weapon of getting hired, retained and promoted as well as the importance of networking, a talk he will be giving to Wright State University. Brad Martin, the President of Northwest Toastmasters Club in Columbus, will share with us how he switched from someone with panic attacks in public speaking to a confident PhD candidate who is ready to defend his dissertation in an eloquent manner. He also has an ice-cream social he wants to tell us about. Charley Ashley, the Area 26 Governor for District 40 Toastmasters, will give us a sneak preview of the Hall of Fame Ceremony where Joe Johns, a CNN Congressional Correspondent and frequent host of CNN's public-affairs program, will be inducted before the West High School Homecoming Game in Columbus. (left: Gary Mull, middle: Brad Martin, right: Charley Ashley) http://www.toastmasters.org/ http://northwest.freetoasthost.net/ http://wrightstate.freetoasthost.net http://www.whitehall-toastmasters.org/