If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio elementThe first official episode of Demagogglebox is here, and in it we have to mop up the mess that is Donald Trump being elected as leader of the free world. Much like his presidency, the less you expect the more impressed you might end up being.*** Warning - this is explicit content ***You can listen to the latest episode of Demagoggleboxhere.Subscribe throughRSS,iTunes and Stitcher.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as@AlexKealyRichard Hanrahan is on Twitter as@theHitch,Facebook andYouTube. He also makessketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") withMe3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy)
If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element The first official episode of Demagogglebox is here, and in it we have to mop up the mess that is Donald Trump being elected as leader of the free world. Much like his presidency, the less you expect the more impressed you might end up being. *** Warning - this is explicit content *** You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here. Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy)