Creating a life that is satisfying mentally, physically and spiritually is challenging, and what is absolutely necessary is SELF-CONFIDENCE, or self-assuredness of one's own choices, abilities, powers, etc. Lack of self-confidence can disrupt and limit anyone and unfortunately, it's very insidious and most do not even know they lack it. Fortunately, self-confidence can be developed with a focused process. Through this process, a person can grow exponentially, but they have to know ahead of time that it will be uncomfortable in many ways but completely rewarding. Our guest today, Eric Von Sydow, who specializes in self-confidence building methodologies. We will discuss the principles of the "inner game" as well as various techniques like NLP, hypnosis, provocative therapy, imagery to encourage development. Eric Von Sydow, aka Hypnotica, is simply stated "The Inner Game Guru." Over the last 15 years he has established himself as a leading developer of self-confidence and self-esteem building methodologies. An internationally recognized inconoclast thinker and mind scientist, he is also a highly sought after consultant and keynote speaker. Known as the "The Guru's Guru," he has trained many of the top figures in the dating and relationship field, including Neil Strauss, author of the bestseller, The Game, and David DeAngelo, CEO of the popular "Double your Dating" enterprise and brand.