Fair Game   /     37 Periods and Menstrual Health for Athletes


It's GAME DAY. You're hyped up, you've done the training and gone through all your preparations this morning. Breakfast eaten, coffee drank and kit on - jersey and white shorts. And then suddenly -  TERROR strikes. Well, not terror - but your period. But it’s ok, you can deal with this. It’s not the first time you’ll be performing in white shorts during your period, but then the cramps come. What painkillers can you take that are admissible? Ideally, you’d sleep off this wave of fatigue but that’s not an option today. But the other side-effects are the ones you’re really worried about: changes in body temperature, being faster to fatigue and maybe even a loss of coordination. Then there’s the urine drug testing afterward, the thoughts of which are just making you CRIIIINGE. That’s exactly what happened to British Tennis Ace & British Number One Heather Watson and when she spoke out about how her period affected her poor performance in the Australian Open in 2015. Heather Watson was one of the first and is still one of the few sports stars to talk about this Last Taboo - but we’re joined with two women who are serious about breaking doing the stigma around menstrual health for female athletes.. 

Publishing date
2019-04-26 19:11