Activist Salma Abu Ayyash (sitting in for Sherif) tells of attending the annual National Day of Mourning in Plymouth MA during Thanksgiving. All or nearly all of the Native American speakers at that gathering proclaimed their solidarity with the victimized Palestinians. We air an excerpt. The gathering was dedicated to our brother in injustice, Leonard Peltier. One of our Palestinian brothers wrote a poem to honor Leonard Peltier, which was put to song. Salma offers her translation of the poem to English, following which we air a performance of the song. Salma reviews some of the dark history of the genesis of the Israeli takeover and occupation of Palestine, along with its distorted treatment by today's mainstream media. There's a brief discussion of the growth and significance of the ongoing BDS campaign (BDS = boycott, divestment, and sanctions). Finally, to bring us up to date, Salma presents a brief summary of some of the most recent Israeli attacks and incursions on the Palestinian people and the implications for our survival.