Celtic History Newsletter Podcast» Podcast Feed   /     Scottish Christmas Traditions


A few tidbits on Scottish holiday traditions for our topic this month. Our featured music this month is Mile Marbhphaisg Air A’ghaol courtesy of The Jennifer Licko Band. Check out their performance schedule to see them in person. For our local Continue reading →


A few tidbits on Scottish holiday traditions for our topic this month. Our featured music this month is Mile Marbhphaisg Air A’ghaol courtesy of The Jennifer Licko Band. Check out their performance schedule to see them in person. For our local listeners, If you need a last minute kilt before the holidays, or Celtic related gifts, our friends at The Celtic Croft have moved to a new location with a retail space up front at 8451 Xerxes Ave N., Brooklyn Park. http://www.kilts-n-stuff.com/  If you like your Celtic music with a modern rock or punk edge to it check out the PaddyRock podcast at paddyrock.com. Look for Minnesota Burns Night Dinners at the Minnesota Scots website

A few tidbits on Scottish holiday traditions for our topic this month. Our featured music this month is Mile Marbhphaisg Air A’ghaol courtesy of The Jennifer Licko Band. Check out their performance schedule to see them in person. For our loca[...]
Publishing date
2013-12-16 21:50


A few tidbits on Scottish holiday traditions for our topic this month.

Our featured music this month is Mile Marbhphaisg Air A’ghaol courtesy of The Jennifer Licko Band. Check out their performance schedule to see them in person.

For our local listeners, If you need a last minute kilt before the holidays, or Celtic related gifts, our friends at The Celtic Croft have moved to a new location with a retail space up front at 8451 Xerxes Ave N., Brooklyn Park. http://www.kilts-n-stuff.com/

 If you like your Celtic music with a modern rock or punk edge to it check out the PaddyRock podcast at paddyrock.com.

Look for Minnesota Burns Night Dinners at the Minnesota Scots website