/     You Gotta Keep Dancing by Dr. Bruce Morgan, 1987


Broadcast Stories features in our virtual country church some of the best Christian preachers we can find. Our church is...

Broadcast Stories features in our virtual country church some of the best Christian preachers we can find. Our church is...
Publishing date
2012-03-13 00:14
  Gerald J. "Jerry" Vogt


Broadcast Stories features in our virtual country church some of the best Christian preachers we can find. Our church is non-denominational, and presents in-depth teaching regarding the part of life that should matter deeply to us.  That is our spiritual life.

There is a vast world that is unseen by us, but that world is the root of why we live.  The county church is where you will learn the secrets of this unseen world. Politics, wealth, power, the cares and worries of the world, all distract us from the Kingdom Within. It is the goal of this unpretentious, clap board church, located in the woods of rural America, to bring you a treasure of teaching on spiritual matters that are beyond what you may have ever heard before.

Great books, spiritual teachers, history, psychology, literature, business, the Bible, figures from the Old and New Testament, are only some of the topics that our spiritual teachers will touch on to present important lessons about the true meaning of life. These teachers are blessed with insight. They have been chosen to teach us the meaning of this life, and the life that comes after our death.

What you will learn will surprise you. We live forever, therefore, get ready for the world to come by exploring the world within. Forget what you think you know about the spiritual, and enter our church located deep in your subconscious.  All our presentations are audio only.