Part 2 Segment 15 With the new season, “Butterflies!” Segment 16: 1:07 Welland Pilots work with crews from...
Part 2
Segment 15
With the new season, “Butterflies!”
Segment 16: 1:07
Welland Pilots work with crews from around the world.
Segment 17: 6:06
The challenge of communicating orders with international crews
Segment 18: 9:45
Shift work on the Welland Canal.
Segment 19: 10:52
Welland Pilots build trust with international captains.
Segment 20: 12:50
Length of season working on the Welland Canal
Segment 21: 13:48
Engine and size of ships
Segment 22: 14:55
Technology reduced crew sizes.
Segment 23: 19:57
Video of canal without commentary: Part One
Segment 24: 25:36
Tunnels under Welland Canal
Segment 25: 26:32
Without commentary: Part Two
Segment 26: 33:25
Without commentary: Part Three
Segment 27: 43:19
Without commentary: Part Four
Segment 28: 49:28
Without commentary: Part Five
Segment 29: 57:05
Do Welland Canal Captains own pleasure boats?