Every place that the soles of your feet shall thread that I have given unot you as Moses. Joshua 1:3 WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO BE ABLE TO HAVE CONTINUED 2 HRS SHOWS. SOW SEED IN GOOD GROUND. TAX EMEMPT ! http://www.JustGive.org Celebrating 5years of Holy Ghost Parties at Joshua's House for Christian Artists. Join us March 18, 2015 at 8PM EST on the ARTMAG RADIO Network. Life is a journey! Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery, There are many moments on mountain tops and many in deep valleys too. Minstrel APPOINTED- CALL ME& IT WILL http://www.reverbnation.com/appointed7 Michelle Thompson-LOVE JOY& PEACE, THANK YOU http://www.reverbnation.com/michelleforeverblessedthompson Tony Louis- Portrait Of A Man Cd-Portrait of a Man, No Guilt No Shame, The Air That I Breathe, The LORD'S Been Good, 16 Bars& Let Your Glory Fill This Place. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/tonylouis Host: Apostle Dr.Heloise Sulyans-Gibson~SMR http://www.seekingmyremnant.com Sponsored by: Wabi Sabi Productions Inc. Emmitt Thrower http://www.wabisabiproductions.com