Every place that the soles of your feet shall thread that I have given unto you as Moses. Joshua 1:3 WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO BE ABLE TO HAVE CONTINUED 2 HRS SHOWS. SOW SEED IN GOOD GROUND. TAX EMEMPT! Click the link and be a blessing. Thank You https://npo.justgive.org/nonprofits/donate.jsp?ein=20-2701574 Janette Everett-Morgan~ Saving Grace, Heavenly Father, Patiently Waiting, Reach Up, God’s Will, The One. www.janetteeverett-morgan777.com N. Hazel Clarke~The Poem Book and newly released “The Emerging Woman Book “ Host: SMR ~ Apostle Dr. Heloise Sulyans-Gibson:Chaplain~ D.D. www.seekingmyremnant.com Sponsored by: Wabi Sabi Productions, Inc. Emmitt Thrower- http://www.wabisabiproductions.com