Southeast Green - Speaking of Green   /     ZHERORisk for Greener Building


In 2000, Curt Rapp founded The Tile Doctor out of consumer demand for comprehensive information related to the tile industry. The Company has actively built on The Tile Doctor brand by looking for true innovation, registering trademarks, seeking patents and expanding its quality product offering. The company is located in Marietta, Georgia. The Tile Doctor is the U.S. Distributor for Litokol, the world's premier tile setting and grouting products. This allows The Tile Doctor to offer a broad color selection of epoxy grouts, along with all necessary setting and waterproofing materials needed by the Trade and Distribution industry. Litokol products are used in the industry for both Residential & Commercial Tile jobs, along with being a leading supplier for the Pool industry. The Tile Doctor also offers a full line of care and maintenance products under the Express Finish® Brand, including its best-selling Grout Admix, plus a full line of sealers and cleaners using today's most environmentally sound ingredients. More information about Zherorisk

In 2000, Curt Rapp founded The Tile Doctor out of consumer demand for comprehensive information related to the tile industry. The Company has actively built on
Publishing date
2019-06-20 17:00
  Southeast Green


In 2000, Curt Rapp founded The Tile Doctor out of consumer demand for comprehensive information related to the tile industry. The Company has actively built on The Tile Doctor brand by looking for true innovation, registering trademarks, seeking patents and expanding its quality product offering. The company is located in Marietta, Georgia. The Tile Doctor is the U.S. Distributor for Litokol, the world's premier tile setting and grouting products. This allows The Tile Doctor to offer a broad color selection of epoxy grouts, along with all necessary setting and waterproofing materials needed by the Trade and Distribution industry. Litokol products are used in the industry for both Residential & Commercial Tile jobs, along with being a leading supplier for the Pool industry. The Tile Doctor also offers a full line of care and maintenance products under the Express Finish® Brand, including its best-selling Grout Admix, plus a full line of sealers and cleaners using today's most environmentally sound ingredients. More information about Zherorisk