SBS Czech - SBS česky   /     Vlasta came to Australia as a student to improve her English. She ended up staying and now she is a manager at a language school - Ze studentky angličtiny manažerkou jazykové školy. Není to snadné, ale jde to


„When I came to Australia, I couldn´t even understand how much to pay when I was buying groceries,“ recalls Czech teacher Vlasta Gunning her beginning. She came originally to learn English and ended up getting a university degree and settling down. Now she is a manager at English Language School for Migrants and Refugees. She says that a similar experience helps her in her work now.What is her advice? Hard work, and not giving up. “And English, you  really do need to speak the language,” says Vlasta in an interview for SBS Czech. - Vystudovaná pedagožka Vlasta Gunning přišla do Austrálie původně s cílem si zlepšit angličtinu. Nakonec tu zůstala, vystudovala aplikovanou jazykovědu a dnes je manažerkou školy, kde se migranti a uprchlíci učí angličtinu.V rozhovoru pro SBS Czech Vlasta vzpomíná na svoje začátky v Austrálii, vypráví o své práci a říká, že je důležité se nevzdat. A také umět anglicky.

<p>„When I came to Australia, I couldn´t even understand how much to pay when I was buying groceries,“ recalls Czech teacher Vlasta Gunning her beginning. She came originally to learn English and ended up getting a university degree and settling do
Publishing date
2019-07-27 11:02