Talking Social Business   /     The Spin Sucks Podcast #63: Coming Up With Ideas for Content


Content creation is part of every communicator's job. But if you're someone who hates the thought of writing posts, and finds yourself clicking over to YouTube or Instagram instead, you're not alone. Today, on the #SpinSucksPodcast, we offer fresh ideas about where to get—well ... fresh ideas.Continue Reading → The post The Spin Sucks Podcast #63: Coming Up With Ideas for Content appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.


I used to create content for Spin Sucks on a daily basis.
It makes me sad that I don’t anymore, but we changed our content strategy.
And while, yes, I do miss it, I now have a large chunk of my time freed up to focus on other aspects of our organization.
I’m not alone in my love for creating content, but I also know not everyone enjoys the process.
If you’re someone who hates the thought of writing articles or graphic design and constantly click over to YouTube to watch videos of kids falling over, it’s OK.
You’re not alone.
Some of us don’t like the process of creating content, while others cringe at the thought of editing and revising.
Then there are some of us who just hit a mental block every time we have to come up with ideas.
If you fall in that last group, you’re in luck.
No Magic Tricks for Creativity
Whether you like it or not, if you’re a communications professional, content creation is one of your main roles.
It doesn’t matter which part of the PESO model you focus on.
Sure, you might not create all the content, but you still have to communicate.
It’s pretty safe to assume, as a comms pro, you’ve also felt what it’s like when you’re on a creativity roll and the juices are flowing.
Those days are awesome and that feeling is amazing.
But what about the days your creative tank is sitting on “E” and it seems like every idea you think of just doesn’t work?
That’s when we start to question whether or not this is even the industry for us.
Unfortunately, that deadline isn’t going to stop getting closer, even if it feels like your brain is going in reverse.
But! I have good news.
Today’s podcast is just for you because I’m offering lots of ideas to—well … generate ideas.
The Spin Sucks Podcast on Content Generation
Here’s what you’ll learn on this week’s podcast:

* How to generate content from other departments
* How to get ideas by focusing on something else
* How to find content ideas from your community and competitors

Content creation is part of every communicator's job. But if you're someone who hates the thought of writing posts, and finds yourself clicking over to YouTube or Instagram instead, you're not alone. Today, on the #SpinSucksPodcast,
Publishing date
2019-08-14 16:12
  Gini Dietrich


I used to create content for Spin Sucks on a daily basis.

It makes me sad that I don’t anymore, but we changed our content strategy.

And while, yes, I do miss it, I now have a large chunk of my time freed up to focus on other aspects of our organization.

I’m not alone in my love for creating content, but I also know not everyone enjoys the process.

If you’re someone who hates the thought of writing articles or graphic design and constantly click over to YouTube to watch videos of kids falling over, it’s OK.

You’re not alone.

Some of us don’t like the process of creating content, while others cringe at the thought of editing and revising.

Then there are some of us who just hit a mental block every time we have to come up with ideas.

If you fall in that last group, you’re in luck.

No Magic Tricks for Creativity

Whether you like it or not, if you’re a communications professional, content creation is one of your main roles.

It doesn’t matter which part of the PESO model you focus on.

Sure, you might not create all the content, but you still have to communicate.

It’s pretty safe to assume, as a comms pro, you’ve also felt what it’s like when you’re on a creativity roll and the juices are flowing.

Those days are awesome and that feeling is amazing.

But what about the days your creative tank is sitting on “E” and it seems like every idea you think of just doesn’t work?

That’s when we start to question whether or not this is even the industry for us.

Unfortunately, that deadline isn’t going to stop getting closer, even if it feels like your brain is going in reverse.

But! I have good news.

Today’s podcast is just for you because I’m offering lots of ideas to—well … generate ideas.

The Spin Sucks Podcast on Content Generation

Here’s what you’ll learn on this week’s podcast:

  • How to generate content from other departments
  • How to get ideas by focusing on something else
  • How to find content ideas from your community and competitors

The post The Spin Sucks Podcast #63: Coming Up With Ideas for Content appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.