Your Bridge To Addiction Resources   /     Kutztown Strong | Meet Guidance Counselor, Andrew Brett


A rapid response to situations impacting our communities can often result in a long lasting effect on the community. In 2014, Guidance Counselor, Andrew Brett and dozens of residents in the Kutztown Borough formed Kutztown Strong formed to address the problems in the community which were contributing to the use opioids among youth. Community members concerned about the health and wellness of the young people assembled at Kutztown High School desiring to make a difference. Andrew states that the group of individuals includes business owners, law enforcement, school officials, students as well as local non-profit agencies. The group has implemented several evidence based programs for grades k – 12 to help youth make good decisions and provide education and awareness. Kutztown Strong also developed its own student survey, which is disseminated annually to determine if there the implementation of the programs have urged youth to reduce or refrain from using drugs. Andrew says that Kutztown Strong seeks input from students to learn more about what things, initiatives, or programs would help students make positive choices instead of illegal activities.

Kutztown Strong | Meet Guidance Counselor, Andrew Brett
Publishing date
2017-01-19 14:20