Weekend Wellness   /     Donating Blood& Digital Eye Strain


Do you donate blood? You can do it every 56 days...and it can help save the lives of up to three people. That's pretty empowering. I think, 'what if a family member ever needed a blood transfusion? Or a friend? Or what if one day I do?' Dr. Mark Bigham is a Medical Officer with Canadian Blood Services and explains the process from start to finish of blood donation and what it means for the lives of thousands of Canadians. We also get into how that process has drastically changed in the last few decades and how far it's come since before Canadian Blood Services was established. Later on the show, as technology and devices continue to be a central part of our day-to-day, so does digital eye strain. A recent study was done in the US looking at (pun intended) people's screen time habits and the consequences that it has on their eyesight. This is especially a growing problem for children. Dr. Gurpreet Leekha is the President of the BC Doctors of Optometry and explains the survey's findings and provides solutions to this vision concern.

Publishing date
2016-03-05 20:00
  Brittany King