Spooky_Nights   /     Donna Eyster Raymond


Donna Raymond was born& raised in Southern California. Learning at an early age she had a special gift she had not ask for nor understood it brought much fear& great confusion into her life. Not a fun experience for a such little girl. In the late 80's and after much trial& tribulation Donna began to accept& understand her special abilities she was born with& what direction she wanted to use them. The more she honed her skills as a sensitive in the paranormal world her passion began to grow in wanting to help others understand and not be afraid of what was happening around them. Now residing in The San Francisco Bay Area she has used her talents to help those in need understand the complexities of the spirit world. Donna has traveled across the United States investigating reported haunted places and enjoys getting the message out to others that we are not alone and there is nothing to fear from the spirit world. Donna Raymond has been seen on The Haunted Wolfe Manor Show, Live Sci Fi along with many other television& radio appearances. Although Donna enjoys investigating some of the more known haunted places across the U.S., she gets her greatest joy from helping the living and the deceased come together.

Donna Raymond was born& raised in Southern California. Learning at an early age she had a special gift she had not ask for nor understood it brought much fea
Publishing date
2010-06-29 03:00


Donna Raymond was born & raised in Southern California. Learning at an early age she had a special gift she had not ask for nor understood it brought much fear & great confusion into her life. Not a fun experience for a such little girl. In the late 80's and after much trial & tribulation Donna began to accept & understand her special abilities she was born with & what direction she wanted to use them. The more she honed her skills as a sensitive in the paranormal world her passion began to grow in wanting to help others understand and not be afraid of what was happening around them. Now residing in The San Francisco Bay Area she has used her talents to help those in need understand the complexities of the spirit world. Donna has traveled across the United States investigating reported haunted places and enjoys getting the message out to others that we are not alone and there is nothing to fear from the spirit world. Donna Raymond has been seen on The Haunted Wolfe Manor Show, Live Sci Fi along with many other television & radio appearances. Although Donna enjoys investigating some of the more known haunted places across the U.S., she gets her greatest joy from helping the living and the deceased come together.