Almost Human: The Story of Julius, the Chimpanzee Caught Between Two Worlds. In this fall pledge drive show, we feature Alfred Fidjestøl's new biography about one of Europe's most famous chimpanzees. (We'll broadcast the full interview with Alfred Fijestol at a later date.) Hosts: Shelley Schlender & Chip Grandits Producer/Engineer: Shelley Schlender Executive Producer: Joel Parker
Almost Human: The Story of Julius, the Chimpanzee Caught Between Two Worlds. In this fall pledge drive show, we feature Alfred Fidjestøl‘s new biography about one of Europe’s most famous chimpanzees. (We’ll broadcast the full interview with Alfred Fijestol at a later date.) Hosts: Shelley Schlender & Chip Grandits Producer/Engineer: Shelley Schlender Executive Producer: Joel Parker
Almost Human: The Story of Julius, the Chimpanzee Caught Between Two Worlds. In this fall pledge drive show, we feature Alfred Fidjestøl‘s new biography about one of Europe’s most famous chimpanzees.
(We’ll broadcast the full interview with Alfred Fijestol at a later date.)
Hosts: Shelley Schlender & Chip Grandits
Producer/Engineer: Shelley Schlender
Executive Producer: Joel Parker