Intel Pentium Pro Intel announced in 1995 the next generation processor – the Pentium Pro. Unlike the Pentium, the Pentium Pro was a chip designed for 32-bit architecture, so Windows 95 and Windows NT could run true.  The processor ran between 150-200 MHz, with a bus speed of 60 MHz (for 150 or 180 MHz processor) or 66MHz (for 166 or 200 MHz processor). The processor used a .35 micron process and prices started at $974 to $1989. Subcribe to Day In Tech History: RSS Feed - iTunes - Google Play - SpotifyTwitter - Facebook - RSS Bandwidth by Cachefly Get a 14 Day Trial Be a Part of the Sconnie Geek Nation! In Wisconsin, friends are called "Sconnies". Even if you're not from Wisconsin, you can be part of the Sconnie Geek Nation through my coverage! By pledging, you join the Geek Sconnie Nation! Plus, you help me cover costs so I can continue the coverage of Gadget tech, music tech, and geek culture through the shows. 2008 – Novell Open SUSE Community elected board1996 – DEC sues AltaVistaIBM PCjr Released1983 – The IBM PCjr is released
( ( Pentium Pro Intel announced in 1995 the next generation processor – the Pentium Pro. Unlike the Pentium, the Pentium Pro was a chip designed for 32-bit architecture, so Windows 95 and Windows NT could run true.  The processor ran between 150-200 MHz, with a bus speed of 60 MHz (for 150 or 180 MHz processor) or 66MHz (for 166 or 200 MHz processor). The processor used a .35 micron process and prices started at $974 to $1989. Subcribe to Day In Tech History: RSS Feed ( - iTunes ( - Google Play ( - Spotify ( ( - Facebook ( - RSS Bandwidth by Cachefly ( Get a 14 Day Trial Be a Part of the Sconnie Geek Nation! ( In Wisconsin, friends are called "Sconnies". Even if you're not from Wisconsin, you can be part of the Sconnie Geek Nation through my coverage! By pledging, you join the Geek Sconnie Nation! Plus, you help me cover costs so I can continue the coverage of Gadget tech, music tech, and geek culture through the shows. * 2008 – Novell Open SUSE Community elected board* 1996 – DEC sues AltaVista* IBM PCjr Released* 1983 – The IBM PCjr is released