Entre Paneles   /     119- Watchmen Ep. 3: She was killed by space junk (Recap)


She was killed by space junk! En este EP, Vero, Ricky y Gabo disectan el episodio 3 de la serie Watchmen: She was killed by... The post 119- Watchmen Ep. 3: She was killed by space junk (Recap) appeared first on postAKAdemix.


She was killed by space junk!
En este EP, Vero, Ricky y Gabo disectan el episodio 3 de la serie Watchmen: She was killed by space junk.

Hablamos sobre los chistes de la serie, las conexiones con el c贸mic y el dildo azul en el cuarto.
Adem谩s, nos pompea la aparici贸n de un personaje ic贸nico y el aburrimiento de Ozymadias en el exilio.


隆Hasta la pr贸xima!

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* 119- Watchmen Ep. 3: She was killed by space junk (Recap)

She was killed by space junk! En este EP, Vero, Ricky y Gabo disectan el episodio 3 de la serie Watchmen: She was killed by...
Publishing date
2019-11-05 17:13
  Entre Paneles


She was killed by space junk!

En este EP, Vero, Ricky y Gabo disectan el episodio 3 de la serie Watchmen: She was killed by space junk.

Watchmen, episodio 3: She was killed by space junk (HBO)

Hablamos sobre los chistes de la serie, las conexiones con el c贸mic y el dildo azul en el cuarto.

Adem谩s, nos pompea la aparici贸n de un personaje ic贸nico y el aburrimiento de Ozymadias en el exilio.


隆Hasta la pr贸xima!

The post 119- Watchmen Ep. 3: She was killed by space junk (Recap) appeared first on postAKAdemix.