Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller Sports Medicine   /     Peak Torque Angle to measure Hamstring injury risk with Ryan Timmins


I am delighted to talk with Ryan Timmins on the background behind this paper published in Sports Medicine, in a discussion around the paper entitled " Is There Evidence to Support the Use of the Angle of Peak Torque as a Marker of Hamstring Injury and Re-Injury Risk? " which features in my Research Review 111. We talk about the mechanism of hamstring injuries, the ease of peak torque, the differences in fascicle length and pennation angle, rate of force development and hamstring injury. We move on to existing work on injury prevention, testing of torque and the relationship between joint angle and the confounders of measurement. We then talk of the QUT-ACU work on the Nordbord strain load cells and testing of hamstring strength and then conditioning of the hamstrings. Ryan is currently in his post pHD time having just submitted his thesis at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne and with a great start of 6 academic papers links here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Timmins+RG+%5BAu%5D The Hamstring Injury group, a collaboration between Queensland University of Technology and Australian Catholic University led by Dr Anthony Shield twitter @das_shield and Dr David Opar @davidopar You can follow Ryan on twitter @Ryan_Timmins Details of the Nordbord as discussed via www.valdperformance.com or @TheNordBord I write a weekly 4 paper research review summary in sports medicine, science, and performance and you can subscribe at www.drandyfranklynmiller.com/review

I am delighted to talk with Ryan Timmins on the b…
Publishing date
2015-10-01 21:34
  Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller