ExpatFocus.com - for anyone moving or living abroad   /     How COVID-19 May Impact The Property Market, And Tips For Buying In The USA


The property market - like so many sectors right now - has slowed down as the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic. Tenants, landlords and homeowners are all feeling the pressure. Governments are being looked to for bailout packages, while people in the process of buying or selling are now working to completely unknown timelines. We arranged this interview with today’s guest - Ugo Arinzeh, founder of Onyx Property Consultants - just before the pandemic fully hit, with the intention of sharing her insight into how the US property market works and providing tips for first-time investors there. We’re still going to talk about that, along with Ugo’s work with clients where she’s based in the UK. But she’s also going to share her thoughts on what the current crisis means for property owners; the risks and the opportunities.


Expat experiences, information and advice for anyone moving or living abroad. Visit Expat Focus at expatfocus.com for more.

Trying to buy property in the current climate is a challenge - listen to our latest episode about how things are being affected.
Publishing date
2020-04-27 14:41


The property market - like so many sectors right now - has slowed down as the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic. Tenants, landlords and homeowners are all feeling the pressure. Governments are being looked to for bailout packages, while people in the process of buying or selling are now working to completely unknown timelines.

We arranged this interview with today’s guest - Ugo Arinzeh, founder of Onyx Property Consultants - just before the pandemic fully hit, with the intention of sharing her insight into how the US property market works and providing tips for first-time investors there. We’re still going to talk about that, along with Ugo’s work with clients where she’s based in the UK. But she’s also going to share her thoughts on what the current crisis means for property owners; the risks and the opportunities.