WeAreLATech LA Startups Podcast   /     Tito Melega of A Mask For All, Creating A Face Mask The Can Be Printed by Anyone With A 3D Printer: WeAreLATech


Today we are spotlighting Tito Melega of A Mask For All. An issue of great magnitude surfaced: the global shortage of N95 masks, procedure masks, and PPE, which are desperately needed by caregivers on the frontlines of COVID-19. Like many concerned citizens, A Mask For All wanted to help flatten the curve and stop the spread. Developed by a team of experts to be easily 3D printable, this face mask was created to provide quick and easy access to anyone with a 3D printer and their communities. The design requires no support structures. Connect with us at wearelatech.com/podcast and on all social @WeAreLATech and @EspreeDevora. If you’d like to start a podcast for your company check out GetPodcastListeners.com. https://twitter.com/espreedevora https://www.instagram.com/espreedevora/ https://twitter.com/wearelatech https://www.instagram.com/wearelatech/

Today we are spotlighting Tito Melega of A Mask For All. An issue of great magnitude surfaced: the global shortage of N95 masks, procedure masks, and PPE, which are desperately needed by caregivers on the frontlines of COVID-19. Like many concerned citize
Publishing date
2020-05-20 10:00
  Espree Devora, spotlighting Silicon Beach tech companies


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Welcome to WeAreLATech's Los Angeles Tech Community Spotlight!

“Tito Melega of A Mask For All, Creating A Face Mask The Can Be Printed by Anyone With A 3D Printer”

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Host, Espree Devora

Tito Melega of A Mask For All

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Short Title: Creating A Face Mask The Can Be Printed by Anyone With A 3D Printer