How - and why - do you build a sustainable ocean economy? WRI's Andrew Steer asks 4 experts affiliated with the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (@OceanPanel) what the transition to this would look like, and why it is so important for livelihoods, ocean life and the planet's climate. The speakers are Peter Thomson, Jane Lubchenco, Mary Ruckelshaus and Vidar Helgesen. 14 national leaders are part of the Ocean Panel. Together their countries account for 30% of the world's coastlines, 20% of the world's shipping fleet and 20% of the world's fisheries, and they are building momentum toward a sustainable ocean economy, where effective protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity go hand-in-hand. The Blue Paper featured is 'The ocean transition: what to learn from ocean transitions' - please go to for more.