Happy Mitten Podcast: Board games, business, and...   /     Board Games, Business, and LAWCRAFT Law Firm Ep. 82


In this episode… We interviewed Justin Jacobson. Justin runs LAWCRAFT, a Florida law firm specializing in sophisticated collection and debt recovery matters throughout Florida. If you’re a contractor in any industry, chances are you’ve had an experience in which you were not paid for your contracted services. We took this podcast to discuss basic […]

Ep 82 Lawcraft
Publishing date
2016-07-06 15:03
  Happy Mitten Games



Justin Jacobson

In this episode…
We interviewed Justin Jacobson. Justin runs LAWCRAFT, a Florida law firm specializing in sophisticated collection and debt recovery matters throughout Florida. If you’re a contractor in any industry, chances are you’ve had an experience in which you were not paid for your contracted services. We took this podcast to discuss basic collection strategy, uniform commercial code liens on equipment leased, and intellectual property as it pertains to board game trademarks and patents.

It was great to hear Justin’s legal insight, which would cost a pretty penny from an “on the clock” attorney. We hope you learn enough on this episode to run your company better than you did the day before.

**OPPORTUNITY**: Justin will review any contractor contract you send him pro bono. If you are an artist, designer, etc, we strongly encourage you to send the contract you’re signing (or are writing up yourself) his way before using. You can get in contact with him via twitter or his website (links below). Make sure to specify Happy Mitten sent ya

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Mentioned Links

Patent, Copyright & Trademark: An Intellectual Property Desk Reference  (The “I.P. Bible” Justin referenced on the episode)
Justin Jacobson Twitter