The Proverbs teach, when a good man dies, he leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren; but when a sinner dies, his wealth is stored up for the godly. Exactly how might that proverb apply to a generation of historically disadvantaged Americans in line to inherit something of value. This week your American Mentors are responding to events in Ferguson, Missouri that call for equal treatment under the laws of the land. Justice, for far too many historically disadvantaged Americans, represents an unattainable goal. But what about economic security within a context of national security? Might we address the issue of systemic failure in the Micheal Brown, the Jordan Davis, the Trayvon Martinin in a common quest for national security? We'll be talking about the process for becoming a YouthUSA economic beneficiary, the responsibilities that come with inheriting wealth, and an inclusive vision for the future through partnership with Operation Hope. JOIN US! Saturday, 12 noon Eastern, 11 am Central, 9 am Pacific as your American Mentors engage stakeholders and beneficiaries in managing The Inheritance.