When you hear the word cult, what comes to mind? Almost always it's something negative or something associated with weird, manipulative practices and behavior. Some people associate orgaznized religion with being in a cult. Others think it's a man made organization linked with sadistic, satanic worship or practices. Whatever the case, it's clear that cults are viewed in a negative light. What happens when you are apart of one? What happens when you discover that things aren't what they seem? What happens when you find yourself apart of immoral practices or perverse behavior while being in a cult? Have you thought that because of certain practices that you may also be in a cult? Listen in as I talk to one man who found himself caught up in an African Spiritual Cult for 7 years! The struggles he faced and what made him finally decide to break free from the cult. Phone lines will be open for questions and comments at 347-855-8637. Show starts at 7PM EST. Don't be late!