On tonight's show we tackled 3 big questions: How to start dating when you're 30 (not 13), How to get the courage to go for the women you really want, Whether it's a good idea to take a dating hiatus. Tune in every Tuesday Night from 8-9pm PST to ask your dating& relationship questions. Feeling a little shy? Submit a written question. Lisa Haché-Maguire is a Dating& Relationship Coach with A Subtle Art up in the great white north. She coaches both men and women, single or in a relationship, on everything from how to start dating, to how to seal the deal. Her specialties include helping nice guys get out of the friend zone, empowering women who don't feel feminine, and teaching couples who feel more like friends than lovers how put the sex back on the kitchen table. Lisa is available for in person, phone& skype consults Monday to Friday, 9am - 9pm and Saturday from 9am - 12pm PST. In addition to the weekly podcast, Lisa writes an Ask Lisa Column on her website& in the Valley Voice, she keeps a blog, newsletter and posts regularly on Facebook& Twitter.