If someone could look into your home life what would they see? Would they be shocked by your parenting or nurturing style? Are you engaging in conduct that is conducive for raising productive children? Are you giving your children the best start in life that they could possibly want or need? What is your parenting style? Are you doing with your children what you learned as an adult and are repeating the same cycles because you don't know any better? Well, no matter the answer you can always be inspired to think about another tool to add to your parenting style. As parents we are seldom "mold makers and breakers." By that I mean we didn't invent the wheel and we can always learn a thing or two. We are not perfect and should sometimes look outside of ourselves and learn a new skill. Join Life, Love, No Chaser today when our guest will be acclaimed author, Abolaji Muyiwa Akinbo. He's the founding pastor of God's Family Bible Church in Palm Coast, Florida. He's written three books and will be on to discuss his views about parenting, praying and so much more. He'll be on to talk about his book entitled: " Parents! Loose Your Children From Bondage!"