Sandy Anastasi awakened to her abilities in her late 20’s. She understood that many people develop deep psychological problems because their psychic abilities are misunderstood and often blocked. These insights and an inner need to pass on her knowledge and abilities led her to begin teaching others to develop their own psychic gifts. Sandy believes her greatest gift is the ability to identify and emulate the gifts of others. Because of that she is uniquely suited to teach people to open and develop those very gifts in themselves. Sandy has been a professional psychic and astrologer since 1979, and is a full time psychic counselor, writer and teacher. Sandy’s writings include books on Astrology, Kabbala, and Tarot, as well as The Anastasi System of Psychic Development. Sandy has appeared on many radio and television shows over the years, most notably Crossing Over and Cross Country – both television shows hosted by her good friend and former student, John Edward. You can visit Sandy's site at and can also find some of her video clips on Call in for your Astrological and Psychic readings