AWS TechChat   /     Episode 79 - re:Invent 2020 - App Dev, Containers & Database Wrap


In this episode of AWS TechChat we continue with part two of our four part re:Invent 2020 series with this episode covering all Application Development, Containers, and Database announcements. For our developer community, we talked about: * Using CodeGuru’s new Security detectors to help you find and remediate security issues in your code * Python support for CodeGuru’s in preview * We shared another new service, DevOps Guru in preview, for measuring and improving an application’s operational performance * Lambda now supports up to 10 GB of memory and 6 vCPU cores and a billing granularity reduction down to 1ms * Amazon API Gateway now supports integration with Step Functions StartSyncExecution for HTTP APIs * Appflow simplifies cloud app integrations for connect customers with Customer Profiles * Similarly, Appflow can provide similar app integrations with those 3rd party apps to HoneyCode. * For those Amplify users, deploy Fargate containers through the Amplify CLI and you get a new AdminUI to boot that deploys all the underlying bits for you. * AWS Proton to bridge the gap between platform and development teams In containers we kicked it off with EKS. * First, cluster add-ons managed through the EKS console, CLI, or API. * Run EKS on premises with EKS Distribution * EKS on Fargate now has built in logging with Fluent Bit under the hood * You can now see all your Kubernetes resources in the EKS console without needing extra tools * Public registries for your container images with ECR public and the ECR public gallery * Use your existing containers as a lambda package format * ECS Deployment Circuit Breaker is in preview to stop deployments from getting worse and auto-rollback In database land we covered * Bablefish, not the mythological creature, but a translation layer between Aurora PostgresSQL and Microsoft SQL. * v2 of Aurora Serverless has arrived, considerably faster and scales in a fraction of second, with scaling so fast it is perfect for those event driven applications. * Data Exchange adds revision access rules for governing access * RDS Service Delivery Partners for when you want someone to build, deploy, and manage your RDS deployments * RDS Cross-Region backups comes to RDS for Oracle * Share data across Redshift clusters with data sharing in preview and pull data from partners directly via the RedShift Console. * RedShift Federated query comes to RDS for MySQL and Aurora MySQL * Redshift Automatic Table Optimization to keep your data warehouse running in tip top shape automatically. * Move RedShift clusters easily across Availability Zones. * JSON supports in preview for RedShift * Finally, AQUA comes to RedShift in Preview as a caching layer to speed up queries. Stay tuned as we cover all aspects of re:invent 2020 in our coming multi-part re:Invent update

In this episode of AWS TechChat we continue with …
Publishing date
2021-01-04 03:09
  Shane Baldacchino