Calming The Anger Storms   /     The Veteran AND The Anger Coach


We bring back Steven Wolf, PhD.  Dr Wolf. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice in West Los Angeles and has conducted growth workshops throughout the U.S. since 1986. After teaching Anger Management for the past five years he was recently recognized as having Diplomate status by the National Anger Management Association. Most recently he founded the Wolf Training Institute to train and certify mental health practitioners to teach the Taming Your Anger/ Building Blocks for Emotional Intelligence Program which has been recognized by the National Anger Management Association. Dr. Wolf discusses Anger among the Veteran population and interventions appropriate for this population..

We bring back Steven Wolf, PhD.  Dr Wolf. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice in West Los Angeles and has conducted growth workshops throug
Publishing date
2012-06-21 02:00
  Coach Ron


We bring back Steven Wolf, PhD.  Dr Wolf. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice in West Los Angeles and has conducted growth workshops throughout the U.S. since 1986. After teaching Anger Management for the past five years he was recently recognized as having Diplomate status by the National Anger Management Association. Most recently he founded the Wolf Training Institute to train and certify mental health practitioners to teach the Taming Your Anger/ Building Blocks for Emotional Intelligence Program which has been recognized by the National Anger Management Association. Dr. Wolf discusses Anger among the Veteran population and interventions appropriate for this population..