GUESTS: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Free PDF Download: The Age of Cataclysm Droughts have slammed over 60% of the USA. Now crops failures are rampant and moving what is left of the harvests will become more expensive as the Mississippi river is now 55 feet lower. This now means lighter loads for barges so they do not run aground, but come the fall, our grocery budgets certainly will. And this is the just the tip of an already melting iceberg of Earth changes, raining down upon us. This could be the very reason why the Chemtrails program was first implemented, says Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd - Director& Faculty Member, ExoUniversity, The author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe, he further maintains that Chemtrails serve multiple goals. If he's right, the only practical question then becomes, what is the meaning of all this? That is the point of this interview to discuss his recent article, Chemtrails: Shielding the Niburu Flyby while Depopulating& Brainwashing? Of keen interest to him now, is that chemtrails have created an atmospheric shield to obscure the approach of Planet X / Nibiru. If so, this portends numerous and massive, human die-off events in our near future!