GUEST: Nancy du Tertre On days like 9/11, we remember a time when a whole country was caught off guard by a surprise attack on the World Trade Center in New York. Remembering this awful day makes us wonder if our vulnerability to future events is unavoidable. And what about those who say that no matter what we do, that none of us will can ever see disaster coming through psychic intuition? Not so says Nancy du Tertre, author of Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask But Were Afraid to Know. She maintains that our psychic ability is not a genetic "gift" and everyone can be trained to be psychic – especially women. Unlike men, women are hard wired at birth to read someone's thoughts, predict the future and to speak with dead relatives. Therefore, in terms of future disasters, she's puts a whole new spin on a topic that has long been male-dominated. If Nancy is right, there is a profound new role for women in the troubled times to come. One that is every bit as valuable as the ability to stockpile beans and bullets in a bunker. So if you are a women in awareness and looking for a survival edge, this show is about you and for you.