YowRadio.com   /     2012-2013 Convergence: A Catastrophic or a Benign Timeline?


GUEST: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Chat Room Only People are dying by the hundreds and thousands from catastrophic earth changes and the pace of these freakish tragedies is escalating. Consequently, our irrational denial is no longer served by rational sounding explanations, such as natural environmental variability. That's why futurists like Alfred, author of Exopolitics, see the real crux of the variability conversation as a destination. Simply stated, when we reach the end of 2013, will find ourselves in a catastrophic or a benign timeline? Alfred proposes that if we are on a catastrophic timeline, we have the ability as a species to join together, in an effort to steer our destiny into a more benign and enlightened timeline. Assuming we chose to do that.   Either way, life was we know comes to an end - and there will be no inventing ourselves way out of this jam.  And the stakes couldn't be higher.   If we follow the present timeline, a slow grinding tribulation will claim most of humanity with impacts events, destructive global coastal events, solar flares and more.   Conversely, the positive timeline promises a Golden Age, where we abandon our non-sustainable acquisition paradigm. RELATED LINKS Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic or positive future timeline?The Age of Cataclysm (Free PDF eBook)Your Own World USA

GUEST: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Chat Room Only People are dying by the hundreds and thousands from catastrophic earth changes and the pace of these f
Publishing date
2012-08-08 00:00


GUEST: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Chat Room Only People are dying by the hundreds and thousands from catastrophic earth changes and the pace of these freakish tragedies is escalating. Consequently, our irrational denial is no longer served by rational sounding explanations, such as natural environmental variability. That's why futurists like Alfred, author of Exopolitics, see the real crux of the variability conversation as a destination. Simply stated, when we reach the end of 2013, will find ourselves in a catastrophic or a benign timeline? Alfred proposes that if we are on a catastrophic timeline, we have the ability as a species to join together, in an effort to steer our destiny into a more benign and enlightened timeline. Assuming we chose to do that.   Either way, life was we know comes to an end - and there will be no inventing ourselves way out of this jam.  And the stakes couldn't be higher.   If we follow the present timeline, a slow grinding tribulation will claim most of humanity with impacts events, destructive global coastal events, solar flares and more.   Conversely, the positive timeline promises a Golden Age, where we abandon our non-sustainable acquisition paradigm. RELATED LINKS Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic or positive future timeline?The Age of Cataclysm (Free PDF eBook)Your Own World USA