GUESTS: Richard Shaw, LA Marzulliand Dr. Roger Leir The disclosure movement mantra is that disclosure is near. Really? Let's put that hope in perspective. For thousands of years, Jews prayed "next year in Jerusalem." It didn't happen until 1948. So how long do we tread water, waiting for the elites to finally come clean? More likey, one day the reality that we are not alone; that we never have been alone; that we never will be alone - will become poignantly obvious. That is, for anyone on the planet capable of fogging a mirror with their breath. It will happen. Yet, the elites will not be forthcoming. Rather, we'll see the rise of "disclosure apologists," a term created by host Marshall Masters. It describes the future elitist talking heads of the mainstream media. They'll tell us suppression was always the better way because after all, we're just dumb panicky animals. Not so fast bunkie. When it comes to disclosure, the mantra of Watchers 4 producers Richard Shaw and LA Marzulli is that this is our planet too, and that we have ALWAYS had a right to know. They're going to join Marshall in a discussion of the kinds of techniques to expect from the coming rise of elites, disclosure apologists.